Zoom, April 7, 2021 – Smart Kolektiv organized online workshop with representatives of relevant CSOs and Serbian Chamber of Commerce with the aim to get feedback on the first draft of the Study on the Possibilities for the Development of Green Economy in the Region that is being developed within the “GEAR – Green Economy for the Advanced Region” project. Authors of the Study Sonja Vuković from Association Slap and Dražen Šimleša from Ivo Pilar Institute/ ZMAG discussed the first draft of the Study with participants and collected set of recommendations for improvements in the area of green economy development in Serbia.
In the second half of the workshop participants took part in the action planning process in order to propose concrete steps for implementation of the recommendations. Action plan and recommendations will be presented to relevant actors at the regional conference on the role of civil society in the green economy development that will be organized on June 8–11 2021.
Workshop was organized within the regional project “GEAR – Green Economy for Regional Development”, funded by the European Union under the Civil Society and Media Support Program 2016-2017. Project is implemented by FORS Montenegro in partnership with Smart Kolektiv from Serbia, Center for Development and Support from Bosnia and Hercegovina, EKO Svest from Northern Macedonia, EDEN Center from Albania and the Association Slap from Croatia.