Our main programs
With our services we help companies achieve greater results in a better, more efficient and easier way; strategically define and improve their CSR practices; position themselves as leaders in this field with systemic CSR management; favourably influence other stakeholders, society, and their business results – to optimize and maximize their potential.
Our commitment to social innovation stems from the belief that the precondition for creating a just, open and democratic society in which we want to live, is the creation of a new civil society – efficient, sustainable, resourceful organizations, which are not based on the traditional division on sectors and roles, but which combine the best aspects of everything, and at the same time encourage and develop new leaders, activism, social awareness and entrepreneurial spirit in their immediate and wider environment.
We believe that sustainable civil society organizations can fulfil their mission more effectively and respond more adequately to key challenges; they can be more recognizable in the local community and they can mobilize more people, volunteers and other resources necessary for them to operate successfully. Starting from our mission, we provide organizations with various types of support – from education and mentoring, promotion of their initiatives and establishing connections with companies, to providing support with the development of socio-entrepreneurial ideas and activities.
Latest news
RISE Meetup: Young Entrepreneurial Energy and Inspiration for Future Social Enterprises
As part of the 5th cycle of the RISE program, the first Meetup event was held on December
Smart Kolektiv at the Conference “Integration of ESG Standards for a More Resilient and Inclusive Financial Sector in Serbia”
Neven Marinović, Director of Smart Kolektiv, was one of the participants in the panel discussion “ESG in Focus:
Sustainability Champions – 11 Companies Recognised for Outstanding Contributions to SDGs
The “Sustainability Champions” awards were presented for the fourth time to companies that directly contribute to the Sustainable