As part of the RISE Regional mobility program, RISE social entrepreneur teams went on 12 study trips across the Western Balkans 6. During their trips, the supported entrepreneurs connected with their peers and experienced businesses, explored the similar concepts of social entrepreneurship and shared the lessons learned.
Entrepreneurs from Serbia also participated in this program held with the aim for young entrepreneurs to strengthen the regional perspective, to experience mobility to another region and to interact on a personal level with peers and experienced businesses.
Come Out group, which is working intensively on starting the first LGBTQ+ bar in Novi Sad, visited the Kutcha space in Sarajevo, Bosnia. The owners of this space shared with them their experiences, insights and gave them ideas on how they can expand their services and build better relationships with clients.
Watch the interview with the “Come out to the bar” team!
The girls from the Ski Easy team, who are developing the Mountain Ways app for better and safer navigation in the mountains, had the opportunity to visit the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center Technopolis in Nikšić, Montenegro. During this visit, they met with representatives of various organizations such as Vučje Ski Center, Perun Cycling Club, GSS of Montenegro and ICT Cortex, from whom they received extremely useful advice that will help them to improve their mobile app.
Watch the interview with them!
RISE – Regional Incubator for Social Entrepreneurs is a regional support program for young social entrepreneurs implemented by Smart Kolektiv within Serbia, since 2019.
The RISE project is developed and supervised by a consortium consisting of the Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO), GROUPE SOS Pulse, the South East European Youth Network (SEEYN), the Institut Français and the Franco-German Youth Office (OFAJ), and implemented by six local incubators – Smart Kolektiv (Serbia), IPC Tehnopolis (Montenegro), ARNO (Northern Macedonia), Balkan Green Foundation (Kosovo), Nešto više (BIH) and Yunus Social Business (Albania). RISE is co-financed by the French Development Agency (AFD) and the Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO). More about the RISE program >> WEBSITE