Two more young entrepreneurial teams from Serbia, who stood out during the 4th cycle of the Regional Incubator for Social Entrepreneurs (RISE), have successfully returned from study trips as part of the RISE Regional Mobility Program. The “Idemo!” team had the opportunity to visit relevant organizations in Bosnia and Herzegovina, while the “Polimorf” team gained new insights and contacts through visits to several significant organizations in Montenegro. These trips provided them with valuable insights into entrepreneurial practices and opened doors for future regional cooperation. 

“The Regional Mobility Program (RMP) was a valuable and enriching experience for me and my team. Thanks to prior research during the RISE program, connecting with organizations like, STAR platform, Homework HUB, and UG Nesto Vise was seamless. I gained valuable insights into entrepreneurship and collaboration, learning new tools and approaches. The opportunity to attend the Sarajevo Film Festival and meet with RYCO representatives added to the experience, emphasizing the importance of cooperation among youth in the region”, said Ana Tanasijević from “Idemo!” team. 

“Upon arrival in Montenegro, the heart of the RMP experience unfolded at the Katun Camp, a vibrant example of a successful social enterprise nestled in the majestic Durmitor Mountain. The camp, a family-run business offering a unique blend of traditional Katun houses and modern amenities like horses and quads, served as a dynamic learning environment. The program also included a series of enlightening intercultural activities and visits of Cetinje Cultural Center, Ethnographic museum, King Nicolas museum etc. Meeting with representatives from the RYCO Local Branch Office (LBO) was a delight. The discussion was both stimulating and constructive, offering an opportunity to exchange ideas and explore collaborative possibilities”. Equally beneficial was the interaction with the Local Incubator, Nesto Više, and Vagon Gallery from Banja Luka. These meetings were pivotal in understanding the local entrepreneurial ecosystem and finding common ground between our respective goals”, the members of the “Polimorf” team shared. 

The RISE Regional Mobility Program aims to give young teams insight into the region’s perspective, exchange experiences, and connect with peers and experienced businesses. Three teams from Serbia participated in this fantastic exchange program. You can find out how it was for the representatives of the “Link in Bio” team in Montenegro here. 

RISE – Regional Incubator for Social Entrepreneurs is a support program for young social entrepreneurs, implemented in Serbia by the organization Smart Kolektiv since 2019. The RISE project is supported by the Agence Française de Développement, European Union (EU), Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO), Franco-German Youth Office (OFAJ) and PULSE (Groupe SOS. RISE activities are implemented by six organizations from the Western Balkans: ARNO, Balkan Green Foundation, Nešto Više, Smart Kolektiv, IEC Tehnopolis, and Yunus Social Business Balkans.