Young entrepreneurs who excelled in the 4th cycle of the Regional Incubator for Social Entrepreneurs (RISE) have traditionally embarked on study trips across the region as part of the RISE Regional Mobility Program. Three teams from Serbia were selected to participate in this excellent exchange program, and Bojana Ivanović from the “Link in Bio” team has already returned from a study visit to Montenegro.
The representative of the “Link in Bio” team, Bojana, stayed in Budva from June 25 to 29 as part of the RISE Regional Mobility Program. Her team is developing a rural household that offers cultural, entertainment, sports, and educational activities, along with local products to contribute to the local community’s development and inspire other young people to return to the countryside and start similar initiatives. In a meeting with representatives of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center Tehnopolis, the organization implementing the RISE program in Montenegro, Bojana discussed the idea behind the “Link in Bio” initiative and potential opportunities for the development of a social enterprise. Bojana also visited the NGO Agora, where she learned more about their experiences in organizing cultural events and their activities in the fields of art, culture, and youth activism. At the Youth Office Budva, Bojana exchanged experiences with representatives of the organization, introduced them to the idea of social entrepreneurship and the RISE project, and arranged future cooperation.
Two teams from the region also visited Serbia as part of the RISE Regional Mobility Program. “NukleVrt” from Bosnia and Herzegovina and “EkoBomb” from Montenegro visited relevant social enterprises as well as our organization. On this occasion, we discussed with them the possibilities for developing and improving their ideas, highlighting the importance of regional connection and networking.
The RISE Regional Mobility Program aims to give young teams insight into the region’s perspective, exchange experiences, and connect with peers and experienced businesses. By the end of August, study trips are also expected for the “Idemo” and “Polimorf” teams.
RISE – the Regional Incubator for Social Entrepreneurs is a support program for young social entrepreneurs, implemented in Serbia by the organization Smart Kolektiv since 2019. The RISE project is supported by the Agence Française de Développement, the European Union; Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO), the Franco-German Youth Office (OFAJ) and PULSE (Groupe SOS). RISE activities are being implemented by 6 organizations of the Western Balkans region: ARNO, Balkan Green Foundation, Nešto Više, Smart Kolektiv, IEC Tehnopolis and Yunus Social Business Balkans. The “ideation phase” of RISE program in Serbia was implemented with the support of the U.S. Embassy in Belgrade.