The Hague, November 6-7 – The European Venture Philanthropy Association (EVPA) marked its fifteenth birthday at its annual conference, organized on 6th and 7th November in the Hague, Netherlands.
During the conference, EVPA presented its anniversary report “15 Years of Impact – Taking Stock and Looking Ahead”. Report assesses the venture philanthropy movement’s journey so far and sets out ten commitments which include to uphold high ethical standards and to put the final beneficiaries at the center of the solutions. Special guest on the conference was her Majesty Queen Máxima of the Netherlands, who received the first copy of the report.
Conference gathered 750 delegates from 63 countries, among whom were Neven Marinović, director of Smart Kolektiv and president of the Euclid Network, and Ivana Stančić, Social Innovations Program Manager at Smart Kolektiv. Beside other activities on this conference, Neven Marinović had the pleasure to meet the Queen and discuss with her about the challenges of supporting entrepreneurship in post-Communist societies. More info about conference and its side events are available on this link.