The “Sustainability Champions” awards were presented for the fourth time to companies that directly contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) defined in the 2030 Agenda through their business practices and projects.
The awards ceremony was held as part of this year’s CSR&ESG Forum, which gathered experts in sustainable development and corporate social responsibility to present current solutions and trends in these fields. The conference emphasised inclusion, environmental standards, social and governance issues (ESG), and the Sustainable Development Goals.
The “Sustainability Champions” awards, presented by the Responsible Business Forum, aim to recognise and promote projects that address global challenges and provide concrete solutions. This year, awards were granted to the following companies for their respective projects:
- Telekom Srbija for the project “A Child’s World Bigger than the Screen,” contributing to Target 4.2 – Early Childhood Education.
- OTP Banka Srbija for the project “OTP Village,” contributing to Target 13.3 – Education, Awareness, and Capacity Building for Combating Climate Change.
- NELT Co for the project “Strategic Partnership with UNICEF for Empowering Children and Youth in the 21st Century,” contributing to Target 4.4 – Skills for Employment and Entrepreneurship.
- ERSTE Bank for the project “Action Against Climate Change and Its Consequences,” contributing to Target 13.1 – Reducing Risks from Climate Disasters.
- LIDL Srbija for the project “Food for a Better Tomorrow,” contributing to Target 12.8 – Sustainable Lifestyles and Awareness.
- Heineken Srbija for the project “The Reservoir,” contributing to Target 6.4 – Efficient Water Use in Industry.
- Delhaize Serbia for the project “MAXI Educational School Caravan: Healthy Food Every Day,” contributing to Target 4.7 – Education for Sustainable Development.
- Atlantic Grupa for the “Smoki Project,” contributing to Target 12.2 – Sustainable Management of Natural Resources.
- NLB Komercijalna banka for the project “NLB Organic Contest,” contributing to Target 12.6 – Promoting Sustainable Business Practices.
- Nestlé Adriatic S for the project “Implementation of Regenerative Agriculture with Domestic Suppliers,” contributing to Target 2.4 – Sustainable Food Production Systems.
- Coca-Cola HBC Srbija for the project “Ad Without Prejudice,” contributing to Target 5.1 – Gender Equality and the Elimination of Discrimination.
These awards affirm the commitment of companies to sustainable development and their role in creating a better future for all.
One of the conference’s plenary sessions focused on ESG factors in business, providing insights into the latest trends, opportunities, and obligations for companies.
The conference also featured roundtables dedicated to the Sustainable Development Goals from the perspective of various sectors.
The CSR&ESG Forum, organised by the Responsible Business Forum and Smart Kolektiv, was held as part of the “Job Fit: Economic Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities” project funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by the Youth with Disabilities Forum. Other project partners are the Ana and Vlade Divac Foundation, Caritas of Serbia, Smart Kolektiv and the Center for Independent Living of Persons with Disabilities.
The conference is further supported by the “Sustainable Development for All” platform supported by the Governments of Switzerland and Germany, and implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH as part of the Public Finance Reform Project – Agenda 2030.
The conference friends are Coca Cola HBC Serbia, Elixir Group and Maxi. The media partners of the conference are Bizlife, Održi me, New Economy, Diplomacy&Commerce, Bonitet, InStore and Daily Green.