Smart Kolektiv Pivotal Moments during 20 years

Smart Kolektiv is founded.
The Initiative for Responsible Business program is launched (together with the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia and the Open Society Foundation).
1st project to support CSO-business cooperation (with Pontis Foundation, supported by Slovak Aid).
One of the founders of NALED.
CSR Strategy Services are Introduced.
Smart Kolektiv is one of the founders of local network UN Global Compact in Serbia.
Business Leaders Forum (today Responsible Business Forum – RBF) is established.
1st Partnership Fair held.
1st CSR Strategy (Holcim) is realised.
1st Volunteering action Our Belgrade.
GRI reporting services are introduced.
RBF is the national partner of CSR Europe
1st CSR Forum Conference.
One of the founders of the Coalition for Social Entrepreneurship Development.
Social enterprise LICEULICE is founded.
A member of EUCLID Network.
LICEULICE is independent.
Youth Business Serbia program is established.
Corporate Volunteering Award is established.
Initiative “5 do 12” is launched – Business leaders have pledged to fight climate change.
A member of Youth Business International.
Administrator of the 1st network of social economy – SENS.
Social enterprise Good Bag (Dobra torba) is launched.
European Partnership Award is presented.
1st Social Innovation Forum held.
1st Direct Support from USAID received.
A member of EVPA.
CSR Index platform is launched – The first national platform for accessing the social responsibility performance.
Program for Sustainable Ideas is launched – A program to support social enterprises and NGOs.
Smart Kolektiv is appointed as a member of the Council for CSR of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia.
Neven Marinović is the President of the EUCLID Network.
Smart Kolektiv is one of the founders of Serbian Philanthropy Forum.
Smart Kolektiv is one of the founders of Coalition for giving, which implements the Framework for Giving project funded by USAID.
One of the partners on the “Youth Employment Promotion (YEP)”project implemented by the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ).
The Corporate Volunteering Award evolves into the National Volunteering Award promoting good practices in all forms of volunteering.
Smart Impact Fund – Fund for the Development of Social Economy is launched.
Smart Kolektiv participates in the work of the Philanthropy Development Council chaired by the Prime Minister of the Serbian government, contributing to solving the issue of taxation of scholarships, donations of legal entities and donations of surplus food.
Educational Program CSR Practice is established.
Smart Kolektiv is implementing the RISE Program in Serbia.
Partner on the “SDGs for All” Platform, which is supported by the Governments of Switzerland and Germany, and implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, as part of the Public Finance Reform – 2030 Agenda project (GIZ).
Smart Kolektiv joins the network of local partners of the International Finance Corporation (IFC) as part of an integrated ESG program.
Smart Impact Fund – 1st investment.
Smart Kolektiv provides support in the implementation of mandatory non-financial reporting by publishing guidelines and cooperating with stakeholders.
CSR Professionals List established.
Law on Social Entrepreneurship is adopted and Smart Kolektiv is appointed as a member of the Council for Social Economy development.
20th Anniversary of Smart Kolektiv.